Leslie and her husband, David, make time for a kiss outside the door to the West Wing.
photo by our dear friend Joe Lessen. THANKS JOE!

 The photo above was actually taken last summer during our first incredible visit to The White House. I took the shot below during this latest visit. It was truly amazing to see how the staff of Christmas volunteers transform The White House into a story-book Christmas wonderland at every turn. When you visit The White House at any other time of year, it will leave you speechless. But at Christmas, it will leave you with a carol in your heart.

 We realize how incredibly blessed we are that God has seen fit to take us places and show us things we never dreamed we would experience.

So, what takes us to Washington, D.C. you ask....

Performing for our wounded troops at Walter Reed Army Hospital has become a passion for us. We thank the Helping Our Heroes Foundation for the chance to come and spend time with these incredible men and women.
Learn more about the organization.

Read about our last visit in USA Today.